Friday, September 4, 2009

"If I Could Talk to the Animals, Learn Their Languages"

Bekah Medford
If I Could Talk to the Animals, Learn Their Languages

In the 1967 musical “Dr.Doolittle”, the talented doctor learns to speak to animals by talking with his pat parrot. He converses with many animals: pigs, dogs, ducks, monkeys, and owls. His special understanding of their language allows him to listen and clearly understand their nature. A controversy arises on the topic about humans speaking to animals, like Doolittle, and whether or not a pet is able to communicate with a human. Many people believe they can speak to their own pets and their pets understand them. In contrast, there are just as many people who believe the opposite, that animals cannot communicate and what people believe to be communicating is actually just mimicry. I disagree with the latter of the two. Animals can understand what we are saying and do often try and communicate back.
Now Dr.Doolittle may not be the best example considering he is a fictional character but there are many people with pets that agree animals do communicate. Animals not only try and communicate with humans but also with other animals. A dog lets another dog know that he is on his territory by growling at him… in human terms “back off buster!” Many people come up with the idea that animals cannot communicate because they themselves do not understand the animal language. No one does…even Dr.Doolittle. Does not understanding someone make their language less than another? How can we judge animals on their language when many times people cannot understand a language foreign to their country or even a have trouble understanding dialects?
Many people believe that the only communication an animal can do is just mimicry. I do believe that some of what animals do is mimicry but I believe many animals do communicate in something more. Every time I come home my dog, Jibby, runs and jumps up on me. I know he is telling me “Hello Bekah! Oh I missed you so much!” How can we say this hello is any different from a wave signifying “hello” by a neighbor walking by?
Animals can communicate and understand. Though their understanding maybe not be as strong as our, or as self aware, we cannot judge their language. No one has the right to judge a language they do not understand, or any language by that matter.

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